PHM | Unleash Your Inner Power: A 9-Module Course on Metaphysical Foundation & Advancement

The Metaphysical Foundation & Advancement Course

This comprehensive 9-module course will empower you to create the reality you desire. Rooted in the powerful principles of Protection, Healing, and Manifestation, this program offers a unique blend of:

  • In-depth knowledge: Each module dives deep into one of the three core principles, providing you with the foundation you need to cultivate lasting change.
  • Personalized guidance: Each module includes 1-1 expert coaching + 30-45 minutes of  Reiki energy healing that is tailored to your specific needs and goals.
  • Actionable practices: Learn to integrate what you learn into your everyday life with homework based on observation and application of coursework.

The PHM Course Structure

This course is based on 9 modules that focus on the three principals of Protection, Healing and Manifestation at three different levels. 

  • Protection: Learn to safeguard your energy, set healthy boundaries, and create a safe space for growth.
  • Healing: Discover practices to release emotional baggage, past wounds, and negative energy patterns.
  • Manifestation: Master the art of attracting your desires and co-creating the life you envision. (Choose 1)
    • Cultivating Spiritual Gifts - Intuition, Psychic Abilities
    • Spiritual Awakenings & Ascensions
    • Goals & Success - Personal, Career, Business

Each module features:

  • Interactive Lessons: Delve into the core concepts and practical applications of each principle.
  • Personalized coaching: Receive guidance and support to deepen your understanding and accelerate your journey.
  • Reiki energy healing: Experience a powerful energy healing session during each module, clearing energetic blockages and applying treatments based on needs and goals.

Choose Your Course Module Length:

We offer two session options to suit your needs and schedule:

  • 1.5-hour sessions
    • 30 Minutes of Education
    • 30 Minutes of Coaching
    • 30 Minutes of Reiki
  • 2-hour sessions 
    • 30 Minutes of Education
    • 45 Minutes of Coaching
    • 45 Minutes of Reiki

Course Module Track

  1. Protection Level 1
  2. Healing Level 1
  3. Manifestation Level 1
  4. Protection Level 2
  5. Healing Level 2
  6. Manifestation Level 2
  7. Protection Level 3
  8. Healing Level 3
  9. Manifestation Level 3


The first module is available for enrollment now. Each additional module enrollment link will be sent upon completion of each module. 

Ready to embark on this transformative journey? Enroll today and unlock the power within you to create a life filled with protection, healing, and manifestation!

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