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Cloud 9.5 is Soul Trine

Cloud 9.5 is Soul Trine Soul Trine

Changing the business name has been on my heart and mind for a few years now. Cloud 9.5 is Soul Trine. I drug my feet in changing it because the meaning of the name had a deep emotional connection to me, and I wasn't inspired by anything new. I go over the thought process behind releasing the old name in this article.

cloud9pt5 is soultrine

The term Soul Trine came to me the following morning after a deep yet unexpected spiritual branding session with a new friend and business partner through Coven Cloud. During our session, I set the intention for the right business name to come to me. The next morning I remembered how I wanted to teach people about three key parts of the soul. I started brainstorming around the word soul and the word trinity. Many of the combinations I came up with had expensive domain names. We're talking five-figure prices. I looked up trilogy on the online thesaurus, and trine popped right out. 

Trine is an astrological term that refers to planets and luminaries being 120 degrees apart. I was familiar with the term trine, but I had to do some deeper digging because this was my new business name. This one particular definition sold me on the new name, 

"Trine is an astrological aspect. It refers to two planets in transit that are 120 degrees apart. It can signify harmony, creativity, and artistic talent. A trine is when three planets form a triangle to each other, forming 120 degrees. Trines are always loving and wonderful things to experience because they are by their very nature accepting." - Astrology Answers


We now offfer full and new moon readings for the collective. This is exclusive to our soul Trine members. If you haven't subscribed already, now is the time. If you were in Club Cloud 9.5, please know that we changed the name to SoulTrine, and now your emails will come from @soultrine.com instead of @cloud9pt5.com.


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